Monday, February 26, 2007
No Meat
I have decided to not eat meat. No chicken, no beef, and no pork. No Meat. I figured Lent was a good time to test out my new found interest in vegitarianism because if I can do it for 40 days then maybe I will be able to do it for good.But I have encountered a problem with this new plan of mine. This past week has been extremely stressful with work (70 hour work weeks are never fun), student loans and their lack of deferment, Teach for America anticipation and what not. So, whenever I get angry,cranky, or stressed all I want is a big fat cheese burger, or any other form of cow. It has been difficult because I come home every night and I want beef, but instead I eat tofu. I have stayed strong and have not given in, but let me tell you not being able to eat what I want when I am angry makes me even angrier BUT I will not cave but no matter what veggie lovers say a Soy burger or veggie burger just is not the same.
Monday, February 19, 2007
Some of you may be wondering....
Some of you may be wondering what exactly it is I do here in Philadelphia. Yes, you know I do national service but I am not sure you know what happens here in the so-called city of brotherly love. So, for your viewing pleasure I have a photo story of my life. These pictures include some service, some not so service events, my roommates, my teammates, the youth I attempt to help, and other shinanigans that occur in this city. So here you go

Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Monday, February 12, 2007
To my mother
Today is Valentines Day, it is also my mother's birthday. What can I say? She is a pretty amazing woman. As many of you know my mother and I have had many differences over the years. But, with all of those differences I have learned many life lessons from her. This blog to my mother is going to be short because if I were to write everything I wanted to it would take too long. Basically, my mom is the person I strive to be, she influences me in ways that I cannot even beging to explain. I am so greatful to be the daughter of a woman who is so strong, bright, and beautiful. Mamma, I love you so much and one day I hope I can be just like you, I hope you have a wonderful birthday.
A good laugh
So, I was sitting in my room one day a little bored when my roommate Emily calls me over to her room to watch a video on You Tube. While watching it, it gave me a good laugh because it is so true and its hilarious (at least in my opinion). So here is the link to the "End of Ze World." Laugh a little, its good for you.
Sunday, February 4, 2007
I bet you never knew this
So I have been told I am a difficult person to get to know. I dont really share a lot of information with people because for the most part I feel that it is none of their business. But every now and then I decide to share info with people and in light of my Auntie Chescas blog I thought this would be an appropriate time to do so. So here are some random facts about ME:
1. When I was younger, and I mean A LOT younger I pooped in a McDonalds Happy Meal box in the car while on a car ride with my family. To this day Happy Meals kind of freak me I bet you remeber that one.
2. Again when I was younger, when we still lived in Rochester, I was probably being a pill and my mom decided to send me to the orphanage. I didnt believe that she would actually do such a thing but as she was angrily getting her keys she yelled at me "I hope you packed underwear because they wont have any at the orphanage for you!" Then she drove me to the orphanage (which she claims was a group home for troubled children aka orphanage). Yeah a little traumatizing but I am able to laugh about it now.
3. While walking in Philadelphia I sometimes have the urge to kick pigeons. I know its not humane but their smelly, hepatitis, poopy little bodies creep me out and they huddle everywhere in the city and they dont move out of your way you cant escape them its like they own the city or something.
4. When going to the bathroom MUST have the toilett paper coming from up over the roll, not from underneath the roll. If it is coming from underneath I will not use it until I correct the direction. And while we are on the topic of bathrooms I will not go in public places, not under any circumstances will I do it.
5. Instant Indian food from Trader Joe's is a staple in my life and I must eat it at least once a week (sometimes every other day) with sticky rice.
6. I have spit off the Eiffel Tower.
7. When I was younger I ONCE (I would like to emphasize the word once) tried on Lolo's hearing aid without him knowing it. Lolo I am very sorry and I was very very careful.
8. I have to sit in the same chair when I eat any meal at home in Galena or at home in Philadelphia, I have issues when I sit in different chair. I dont know it just throws me off and I dont like it.
9. I enjoy learning and studying about Middle Eastern countries and culture and often like to think I can speak and read Arabic, which is sometimes amusing
10. When I worked in the Psychiatric hospital I enjoyed eating the food that they would serve to patients.
1. When I was younger, and I mean A LOT younger I pooped in a McDonalds Happy Meal box in the car while on a car ride with my family. To this day Happy Meals kind of freak me I bet you remeber that one.
2. Again when I was younger, when we still lived in Rochester, I was probably being a pill and my mom decided to send me to the orphanage. I didnt believe that she would actually do such a thing but as she was angrily getting her keys she yelled at me "I hope you packed underwear because they wont have any at the orphanage for you!" Then she drove me to the orphanage (which she claims was a group home for troubled children aka orphanage). Yeah a little traumatizing but I am able to laugh about it now.
3. While walking in Philadelphia I sometimes have the urge to kick pigeons. I know its not humane but their smelly, hepatitis, poopy little bodies creep me out and they huddle everywhere in the city and they dont move out of your way you cant escape them its like they own the city or something.
4. When going to the bathroom MUST have the toilett paper coming from up over the roll, not from underneath the roll. If it is coming from underneath I will not use it until I correct the direction. And while we are on the topic of bathrooms I will not go in public places, not under any circumstances will I do it.
5. Instant Indian food from Trader Joe's is a staple in my life and I must eat it at least once a week (sometimes every other day) with sticky rice.
6. I have spit off the Eiffel Tower.
7. When I was younger I ONCE (I would like to emphasize the word once) tried on Lolo's hearing aid without him knowing it. Lolo I am very sorry and I was very very careful.
8. I have to sit in the same chair when I eat any meal at home in Galena or at home in Philadelphia, I have issues when I sit in different chair. I dont know it just throws me off and I dont like it.
9. I enjoy learning and studying about Middle Eastern countries and culture and often like to think I can speak and read Arabic, which is sometimes amusing
10. When I worked in the Psychiatric hospital I enjoyed eating the food that they would serve to patients.
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