Wednesday, February 20, 2008

An Encounter With Jazz

Someone had emailed me this piece of literature sometime ago. I keep it near by because I find it so true to being an effective and positive leader and just like Jazz, to me, is a sound that one has to try out over and over again to see its beauty just like leadership, one has to try many times and fall many times and learn to see the beauty in leadership, becasue it is hard to be the best leader on the first try but once you get there, once you get that sound and harmony in leadership it is a beautiful thing.

An Encounter With Jazz

Consciousness of self. Congruence. Commitment.
Whoa, hold on. Stop right there. Just a minute
Do we really have to work together?
Common purpose. Controversy with civility. Citizenship
Living the model means energy, chaos
Enthusiasm, freedom, empowerment
And sometimes ANGUISH
Jazz leadership is very time consuming
But extremely rewarding
Endless creativity results from people
Armed with sheets of paper and markers
True facilitation is listening
Collaboration means more
Than an office with many desks but no wall set diviers
I suddenly realized that
Some fortunate children are enrolled in affluent centers
While the unlucky ones spend their time in shabby ones
Why do some children begin their lives with one strke against them?
I learned many lessons
To be a credible preacher, you must put your sermon into action
Green, red, blue are the building blocks of rainbows
High school students are extremely bright
"Sea of Controversy" clues to take on a synerguystic quality when combined
And gold "Starpower" chips are worthless with out:
You cant tap yourself on the head
If you are wearing a protective crash helmet
Leadership never has easy answers
Jazz music is beautiful


Charissa said...

Looks to me that you have learned well. You ARE a leader.


Cute blog you have.

Stay on groovin' safari,

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